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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

FOTD: party looks with sephora colors play 5 in 1 palette

FOTD : party looks

Face of the day:
Moisturizer: Ponds Age`s miracle
Base/Primer : Monistat Chafing relief
Concealer: Inez corrective cream `beige`
Foundation: Revlon colorstay `true beige`
Powder: Inez TWC
Setting powder: MAC blot powder
Blush-on: Sephora color play 5 in 1
countour/shading : ELF healty glow bronzing powder `warm tan`

Eyes of  the Day:
- eyebrow pencil : Daiso Auto liner
- eye base/primer : Urban Decay Primer Potion
- eyeshadow: sephora color play 5 in1 palette
- upper lash liner : Pixy liquid eyeliner + physicians formula glam blue `black`
- lower lash liner: physicians formula glam blue `black`
- falsies : no brand (from Hongkong)
- Mascara : De Javu fiber wig Mascara
Lips of the day: NYX round lipstick `Thalia` + Sephora colors play lip gloss

Friday, September 23, 2011

Review: Daiso multi colors cheek blush (pink,beige,brown and orange)

yaaay.... this week i`m totally  in love with the new beautiful blush from daiso... :lol:. i have this blush in  pink, beige, brown, and orange, its mean i have all the colors ( yeah, Daiso only have 4 colors for multi cheek blush)

. okay lets start the review....
Really, is it safe to expect much from a $3 (approx idr 27k) blush? I admit I didn’t expect a lot. But with this daiso blush?? it`s give more than i`m expected.
What i`d like?:
- the texture was so great, it gives very natural and nice glow on my face.
- high pigmentation, but it`s very easy to blend... :love:
- i love the basic colors in pink, beige, brown, and orange...
- very good staying power ( at least for 8 hour, without setting spray)
- very cheap ( the prices same with the elf essential blush... but the quality?? Daiso give a more )
- its come with the brush.
- less powdery

what i dont like?? nothing! i give this blush A+ ratting..... so gorgeous.For $3, the Daiso  Blushes are tough to beat, and they’re possibly the best cheap blushes I’ve seen in a while.

the swatch :

Cheek of the day: La Femme in `frambousia`

La Femme in frambousia

what i`d like?? this blush very pigmented, good staying power, and less powdery.
swatch on my hand. 
Cheek of the day

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tutorial : depoting lip palette

Seperti review ku di sini , tentang beauty palette pixy yang baru, kalo aku suka banget bawa ini palette buat pergi2. cuma kurangnya satu, warna lipsticknya aku tak sukaaa.... gak ada warna nude yg buat di pakai daily, jadi aku memutuskan buat ganti satu warna sama warna lipstick yang aku suka... mari2 di lihat step by step nya....

yang di butuhkan :
1. alkohol 90%
2. lilin
3. spatula
4. Sendok besar

step by step ( it`s very easy....):
steril kan dulu spatula nya pakai alkohol....
keluarkan dari pan nya, lipstick yang mau di ganti warnanya pakai spatula yang sudah di bersihkan tadi.
pan lipstick yang udah kosong, siap di isi warna lain.
potong lipstick yang mau di isikan ke pan kosong tadi pakai spatula, lalu pindahin di sendok ya (sendoknya juga mesti di sterilkan pakai alkohol juga)
tinggal panaskan di atas lilin lipsticknya.
tunggu sampai meleleh kaya` gini
tuang lipstick yang udah meleleh tadi ke dalam pan-nya, ati2 jangan sampai belepotan yak..biar rapi. tunggu kurang lebih 2 menit supaya padet.
tadaaa.... palette lipstick warna yang kumau sudah jadi.....

it`s very simple n easy.....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

new favorite items from Daiso : Auto eyebrow pencil & everbilena water resistant eyeliner

Yuhuuuuu....i`m back, setelah 2 minggu lebih gak ngurusin blog, karna kebawa suasana lebaran plus koneksi inet kacau balau mulai lebaran lalu.... fiuuuh. today mau review lagi yak, my new favorite items (beberapa hari pakai ini terus soalnya) yaitu Daiso auto eyebrow pencil dan Daiso everbilena water resistant liquid eyeliner. ini penampakannya.

-Daiso auto eyebrow pencil
 yang bikin suka:
- praktis banget, 2 in 1 sama sikat eyebrownya, biar tetep higienis itu sikatnya juga ada tutupnya, andalan kalo di bawa pergi2. Pencilnya juga retractable.. cuma tinggal di puter... jadi gak perlu raut2
- tekturnya empuuuk, gampang banget buat di pakai gambar alis. aku pilih warna dark brown... imo yang keluar hampir item di alisku.... aku suka banget warna nya, karna sama persis sama warna bulu alis..hehe.
- good staying power.
- lumayan murah..... ikutan PO di lapak FD cuman 26rb.

- susah kalo mau repurchase, karna mesti nunggu yang mau ke SG atau Malaysia.... huhuuuuu

overall, aku suka banget ini pensil alis..... pakainya disayang2, karna gak nyetok... cuma beli 1 buat coba2... ternyata baguuuus.

-Daiso everbilena water resistant liquid eyeliner
aku pilih yang warna brown ..
 yang bikin suka:
- warna coklatnya...bener2 coklat yang aku mau, gak coklat yang kehitaman.
- ujung aplikator eyelinernya, bikin gampang buat apply di upper atau lower lash line.
- waterproof, habis cuci muka masih nempel dengan rapi, (asal gak digosok2 ya...)
- good staying power,  gak bikin smudge parah....
- keringnya rada lama....
-walopun gak smudge, sayangnya dia kalo rada lama udah di pakai, jadi flaky...bukannya ilang...(atau karna aku hobi banget kucek2 mata ya??), jadi kalo dipakai di lower lash line bikin keliatan jorok.

ini gambar ujung aplikatornya

swatch di tangan
swatch di mata
itu alisnya juga pakai auto eyebrow pencil nya ya

Thursday, September 1, 2011

blush-on swatch: STILA convertible `orchid`, Everyday mineral `game show` , canmake cheek&highliter `04`

a cute packaging from Stila

the texture so thick (not creamy like another cream blush-on) but its blendable, great staying power too...

beautiful matte finish blush

stila convertible color orchid on my cheek
Everyday mineral blush `game show`